Dr Charity Marsh
IMP Labs
In July 2007, I received a Canadian Foundation for Innovation Grant and a Saskatchewan Fund for Innovation and Science grant to develop the Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs. The IMP Labs are the foundational place from which I support my program of research. The IMP Labs house an electronic beat-making studio, an interactive DJ lab, and space for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research collaborators to gather, work, and play.
In 2013, I received another Canada Foundation for Innovation grant, and matching grant money from the province to expand the IMP Labs to include the Centre for Indigenous Hip Hop Cultures and Community Research, as well as the Popular Music and Mobile Media Labs.
The IMP Labs is home to The Flatland Scratch Seminar and Workshop Series, as well as the IMP Labs' Community Hours and Workshops Program. The IMP Labs are open to the community for 2-3 evenings per week, and supports multiple, diverse community engaged research projects, camps, and the Creative Technologies program.