Dr Charity Marsh
Funded Research
SSHRC Insight Grant, PI, applied in October 2023 for Spring 2024 ($285,000) - unconfirmed
Title: Feminist Activism, Community Building, and Social Justice: Considering the Interventions and Impacts of Girls Rock Camps in Canada
SSHRC Explore Grant, PI, 2023 ($6,000)
Title: Feminist Activism, Community Building, and Social Justice: Considering the Interventions and Impacts of Girls Rock Camps in Canada
SSHRC Project Engagement Grant, PI, 2022 ($25,000)
Title: It's More than a Name Change!: Re-Thinking the Culture and Priorities of Girls Rock Regina
Mental Health Research Canada/Saskatchewan Health Research, PI, 2022, ($50,000)
Title: Take Up Space, You Matter!: Fostering (Re)Connection After the Pandemic through Trauma-Informed Community Arts Programming
Mental Health Research Canada - Studentship Award for Amanda Scandrett, 2022 ($15,000)
Title: Take Up Space, You Matter!: Fostering (Re)Connection After the Pandemic through Trauma-Informed Community Arts Programming
SSHRC Partnership Grant, Co-Applicant, 2022-2029 ($2,500,000) (PI A. Heble)
Title: International Institute for Studies in Critical Improvisation
SSHRC Connections Grant, Co-Investigator, 2020, ($46,607) (with S. Petty)
Title: Transnational Screen Media Practices: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage
SK Arts, Artist Grant, Abrupt Dystopia, 2020, ($4,000)
Title: We’re Watching! (album - song writing)
SSHRC Connections Grant, Co-Investigator, 2017-2018 ($33,763) (with R. Caines)
Title: “Improvise and Mobilize: Addressing Social Isolation through Applied Research and Arts Practices”
SSHRC Insight Grant, Principal Applicant, 2014-2021 (extended for two maternity leaves) ($406,335)
Title: “Hip Hop Indigenized: Imagined Communities, Diasporic Identities, and Global Youth Empowerment”
CIHR, 2013-2017, Co-Applicant ($553,556) (Principal Investigator, Jo-Ann Episkenew)
Title: Kitinikewin misiwanacihisowin: Researching arts-based wellness promotion for suicide prevention among Aboriginal youth
Saskatchewan Health Research Group Grant, Co-Applicant, 2013-2016 ($750,000)
Title: Indigenous Peoples Health Research
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, Co-Applicant, 2013-2018 ($2,500,000)
Saskatchewan Innovation and Science Fund, Principal Applicant, 2013-2014 ($61,417)
Title: Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs
Canada Foundation and Innovation Fund, Principal Applicant, 2013-2014 ($61,417)
Title: Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs
Canada Research Chair Tier II, 2012-2018 ($500,000)
Title: CRC in Interactive Media and Popular Music
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($69,990)
Title: “Audio-Mobile: Understanding Eco-Territories through Mobile Technologies,” Co-Applicant, 2011-2013
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($32,500)
Title: “Spaces of Violence, Sites of Resistance: Music, Media and Performance,” Principal Applicant, 2010
Canada Research Chair Tier II, 2007-2012 ($500,000)
Title: CRC in Interactive Media and Performance
Saskatchewan Innovation and Science Fund, Principal Applicant, 2007-2009 ($200,000)
Title: CRC in Interactive Media and Performance
Saskatchewan Innovation and Science Fund, Principal Applicant, 2007-2009 ($115,996)
Title: Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs
Canada Foundation and Innovation Fund, Principal Applicant, 2007-2009 ($115,996)
Title: Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Principal Applicant, 2007 ($85,186)
Title: “Negotiating Traditional and Contemporary Experience in Canadian Aboriginal Hip-Hop”
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Principal Applicant, 2006 ($33,000)
Title: “Spanning the Distance: Regionalism and Reflections on Popular Music in Canada”
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), 2003/04. ($18,000)
Title: “Raving Cyborgs, Queering Practices, and Discourses of Freedom: The Search for Meaning in Rave Culture”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship, 2000-03. ($54,000)
Title: “Raving Cyborgs, Queering Practices, and Discourses of Freedom: The Search for Meaning in Rave Culture”